
The mentorship and extracurricular learning that I did, first with Brian LaForgia in whose debt I remain, and then with Dr. Leon Hammer was life changing. When Leon asked me to teach Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies, and my understanding of that profound text grew under his supervision, and in dialogue, the way forward was in motion. I am nothing without lineage and mentorship.  That is why I offer mentorship.  Rather than just offering classes to students whom I may never know, I wanted to create the traditional channel for one-on-one learning and transmit everything without reserve, in a flexible and learner-driven manner.  I am not the guru telling you what to do, or trying to act as if my teaching itself will evolve you. We are co-conspirators devising a plan to introduce radical change in the world through Chinese medicine.  Not to save it.  Not to escape from it.  But to dive in and stay with the trouble.  We cannot enact this tracing without changing how we are learning.  That is my invitation. And it is set up on purpose to literally cost less than a traditional course.  It's a Community-supported learning model. 

One needle at a time.

My mission to is improve the world, one needle at a time. It is my contention that we have to return to the magical roots of medicine to meet the demands of the anthropocene, and my mentorship is one step towards that goal. My mentorship is facilitated through Patreon, and I offer five different levels of participation and connection.

The Courtyard at $5-per month: I'll share patron-only posts on topics all and sundry: magic, Gebser, Deleuze, Meditations on the Tarot, spirituality, mysticism, animism, and of course, Chinese medicine. That is, how it All connects in an autopoietic, rhizomatic web!

The Salon at $25 -per month: a book group once a month, and 2 sessions discussing the Shang Han Lun in extraordinary depth, and connecting it to the work of my mentor Dr. Leon Hammer. It was an honor to me that towards the end of his life, he even attended the sessions himself. Virtually every session is ground-breaking, because I am committed to teaching from the furthest edge of my understanding every time- and like the Magician in Tarot this is deeper because it is spontaneous and playful. Like the Hermit, it is genuinely hermetic, exploring consciousness, and even a little neuroscience and anatomy, and definitely exploring how this model of the Shang Han Lun points the way to a radical transformation of what is possible.

The Meta-Learning Lab -$50 per month: adds on a New Moon session where we explore the spiritual and frankly magical foundations of Chinese medicine through animist lens. It's energy medicine, prayer, mediation, intention, and the cultivation of spiritual force.

The Case Study Group -$100 per month: adds on two, 2-hour case study classes each month. In the last year, participants from literally around the world have delved deep into Shen-Hammer pulse interpretation. In essence, it is a lab class for the forthcoming book "Shen-Hammer Pulse in Jingfang Perspective." imagine that! And, subscribers always have discounted tuition for any in-person pulse classes.

One on One Personal Membership -$250 per month: (literally less that you would pay for online classes) this is the flagship and the most advanced offering I make. When you sign up for a year, in addition to a discount, you get 12 one-on-one sessions to learn any aspect of my teaching in-depth. You can be a nameless face in a sea of Zoom thumbnails, or we can go deeper into Chinese medical Psychiatry, the Qi Dynamic of the Shang Han Lun, Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis, and real mentorship with no prescribed outcome other than finding our way to #taiyanglife. This is fluid though, and if you have a pressing issue, or want to learn one specific thing, you can just sign up for a month, and then change your level. Everything about this is, like the future itself, Fluid, and moves freely in the direction of Ease.

The Heartdrops of Classical Chinese Medicine: For all levels. The best and most amazing development has been the genuine community that has developed through our dedicated Discord server. This can be daunting for some, as if it were just another tech platform, but the magic is real, because it is just a vehicle for our hearts to connect in non-local ways. I am constantly awed by the profundity of the conversations there. Book groups spontaneously develop, prayers are answered, clarity is promoted, and humor abounds. It is truly joyful.

Mentorship with Brandt

If you are interested in working more closely with me, but have questions - please feel free to connect here.